Обучение „Leading in very turbulent times“ с Тим Кемп


18 - 24 февр. 2021, четвъртък - сряда


09:00 - 12:00


Такса участие



За контакти:

Марио Михайлов, +359 894 333 058, E-Mail


PwCs Academy Bulgaria

За събитието

The main purpose of this workshop is to explore the role and skills of team and organisational leaders, as they face a very turbulent environment.
What is it that employees and colleagues need from their leaders when there is so much uncertainty?

The course is suitable for experienced managers and team leaders who are looking for greater performance from their staff and new ways of engaging and inspiring them. The content is relevant for managers who are having to deal with staff who are working remotely.

This training course is in two parts – each of 3 hours duration.

Part One – Leadership when things are turbulent
In this first module we will begin by looking at the uncertainty that comes from a changing environment (the coronavirus pandemic, for example). And the role that leadership plays in reassuring followers.


  • Leadership role – Why leadership? Why now? A look at the role that leadership plays in our professional lives, as well as the environmental context that makes it increasingly necessary.
  • What does the latest research tell us about the characteristics of successful leaders? Why do we follow them? Traits, Skills and Behaviours – What can we apply to our own professional lives? How will leadership change things? How will we know? The role of humility.
  • Leadership strategy and execution – What effective leaders do? Setting direction and having the courage to abandon previously successful behaviours.

Part Two – Leaders as Agents of Change
This module will be much more fluid and responsive to the issues identified on Day One. The aim is to explore new techniques, suggestions and practice around being more influential.

We will explore ideas and practice skills on: the ‘art’ of influencing; engaging commitment and building trust and creating powerful and inclusive networks.


  • Leadership and viral change. What make change contagious?
    Influencing others – Communicating change and the importance of ‘social proof’.
  • Power of networking – Networks of the curious and the co-operative.
  • Taking the next step in your leadership journey. Creating peer coaching partnerships.