Уебинар „Communicating Sustainability“


16 март 2017, четвъртък




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+32 (0)2 219 22 90, E-Mail

За събитието

In her session Maria Doychinova will address the topic of sustainability as the way for modern companies to secure their longevity and maintain their reputation.

Maria will guide us through the tough challenges and imminent transformations all of us will be facing in the coming decades and even century. These include climate change, pollution, food safety and healthcare advancements and the role of technology and connectedness in our lives.

She will put these seemingly far-fetched issues into a current context, showing us why consumers and companies should start to change and adapt their behaviour starting now. Drawing from her personal in-depth experience, Maria will share with us her views on how sustainability should be communicated.

The follow-up discussion will focus on the one question everyone is asking: „Why should we go the extra mile of investing in communicating sustainbility? What is in it for us as professional communicators?“