12 април 2017, срядаЧас:
10:00 - 12:00Достъп:
Свържете се с организаторитеМясто:
CowOrKing Space by Puzl, София, бул. "Черни връх" 47Връзки:
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StartupYardЗа събитието
In this workshop, StartupYard’s head of communication and community Lloyd Waldo, will show would-be entrepreneurs how early stage startups in Deep Tech can use practical storytelling skills to convince the earliest stakeholders (including cofounders, investors, customers, and employees), of the power of a new idea, by transforming it from dry description and speculation into a compelling narrative, that puts you in control of the conversation.
This workshop will include hands-on strategies for positioning that will provide entrepreneurs with the toolset necessary to construct a persuasive and powerful story about themselves, and their vision of the future.