3 декември 2016, съботаЧас:
10:00 - 17:30Достъп:
Такса участиеМясто:
Adrio, София, бул. Васил Левски 6Връзки:
Facebook страница на събитиетоЗа контакти:
+359 897 687 469, E-MailОрганизатори:
Adrio ConsultingЗа събитието
Interactive training with discussions, solving practical cases and role plays.
Together we will explore the following topics:
– Born leaders or raised ones: nature vs. nurture. Key competencies for becoming leader in a global world.
– Leadership styles. Mentoring, coaching, motivating and leading. Authentic leadership.
– Managing relationships on different levels inside and outside of the organizations. Turning conflicts into opportunities. Personal and organizational PR.
Price: 480 BGN, VAT excluded
Discounts policy:
– 20% for Adrio partners & clients
– 5% for participants in Impossible Markets conference 2014, 2015, 2016
– 5% for two or more participants from the same organization
The above discounts are accumulative. The maximum discount applicable is 30%.
Публикувано на 25 ноември
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Публикувано на 25 ноември