Silicon Drinkabout Sofia & Pre-Accelerator 17.Feb.2017 Betacafe

17 февруари 2017, петъкЧас:
19:00 - 23:00Достъп:
betahaus, betacafe, СофияВръзки:
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3BeardsЗа събитието
Silicon Drinkabout is a regular after work drinks evening for startups every Friday!
–––––– WOOOT ––––––
This week our partner is Start It Smart | Pre-Accelerator – this is an intesive 10-week training and mentorship program for first-time entrepreneurs. It provides all necessary knowledge and skills to make a startup ready for early product launch, joining an accelerator, or finding initial investment.
The team of Start It Smart will be available for your questions on the event this Friday. ;)