Семинар „Predictable Reactive State Management for Angular 2 – NGRX“

23 февруари 2017, четвъртъкЧас:
19:00 - 22:00Достъп:
Безплатно (Задължителна регистрация)Място:
CowOrKing Space by Puzl, София, бул. Черни Връх 47За контакти:
CowOrKing Space by PuzlЗа събитието
Our speaker this February will be Ilia Idakiev and the topic of his talk will be „Predictable Reactive State Management for Angular 2 – NGRX“.
Ilia is a developer-entrepreneur and a JavaScript enthusiast that has years of experience in web application development.
He is also one of the lecturers of the „Advanced JavaScript“ course in FMI. Ilia organizes and participates in many JavaScript related events, and in his spare time he likes collecting and playing vinyl on different musical events.
We will have plenty of time for chat and drinks after the session.