Семинар „Challenges in high performance apps & in teaching kids to code“
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Join our next tech meet up where Gareth Siret and Christopher Brett from Ocado will talk about:
– Java Performance Optimisation of CPU Heavy or Latency Sensitive Apps
A discussion with examples of some of the techniques we’ve used to optimise CPU heavy and latency heavy applications: including approaches to caching; data-structure selection and usage; complexity Vs performance trade-offs; and parallelization strategies.
– Creating Gaming Resources with an In-browser Code Interpreter and Game Engine
Code for Life by Ocado Technology is a fun and free resource for teaching kids to code. The Rapid Router game is at the heart of it. Find out how – and why – the team created an interpreter to parse and execute user-submitted code in the browser, plus how they developed a browser-based game engine for the code to run against. Featured technologies include JavaScript, Blockly, Python, SVG animation.