23 март 2017, четвъртъкЧас:
19:00 - 22:00Достъп:
Безплатно (Задължителна регистрация)Място:
SPS Tower Sofia, София, ул. "Тодор Каблешков" 72За контакти:
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JSTalksЗа събитието
19:00-19:30 Authentication & Handshaking
19:30-21:00 Modern JavaScript tools and technologies – few short talks over different hot JS topics with Q&A session after each topic
21:00~ Beer and snacks, and friendly chatting
You can enjoy these short talks:
1. Pimping the Feedback Loop
Abstract: In this talk he will share couple of recent tools and techniques that allow for a more rapid and interactive application development. From hot module replacement that selectively modifies parts of a running app without the need to refresh the browser and loose the state to functional reactive approach with css vars that allows for almost wysiwyg feel when building a ui.
Speaker: Alexander Milanov – Full-stack developer with 15 years experience.
2. Distributed Tracing in Node.js
Speaker: Nikolay Stoitsev – Software Engineer at Uber
3. GraphQL Basics
This talk is about:
1.What is GraphQL?
2.Why are people so excited about GraphQL?
3.How can GraphQL make my life better?
Speaker: Radoslav Stankov – Developer at Product Hunt