Събитие „Measuring Customer Feedback and Applying Lean at Scale“

31 май 2017, срядаЧас:
19:30 - 21:30Достъп:
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Perform Business Center, София, пл. Позитано 2За контакти:
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ProductTank SofiaЗа събитието
We have all read the book and we all know the rules: hypothesis, MVP, A/B test, analysis, iteration. Some products lend themselves for incremental improvements and fast iteration and validation, others don’t. What techniques does Skyscanner use to apply lean at scale, learning from millions of users? How do you combine real customer feedback as opposed to the one-side view of what the metrics tell you – after all, the data you get is in response to the product you build.
Interactive session including references to cats, door handles, light switches and star ratings.