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On the Pi day and Einstein’s birthday the talks are going to be about science and robots. The partners from Ocado Technology will reveal some interesting details about their robots and development processes:
– Production Robotics at Ocado Technology (Alex Harvey)
How Ocado Technology is using robotics within their live production warehouse for the handling of storage and how they are going to use robotics in the future to aid them pick the products as well. Alex Harvey will explain some of the challenges faced and capability they need, this will also include the work which Ocado Technology is doing to simulate algorithm changes and warehouse layouts to identify performance improvements which can be made to make the system more efficient.
– Deploying Quality Embedded Software Quickly and Frequently (Dean Sutton)
Can you have quality and speed at the same time in software development? Some industries like Web Development claim that they can, but what about embedded software. What about the hardware? What about testing the hardware? What about validating the product that the hardware controls? In this talk, Dean Sutton, will explain what Ocado Technology has done so far to increase development speed and keep quality high. He will also talk about the future challenges and why it is exciting. Expect to hear about inside out architectures, software product lines, discrete event simulation and continuous integration in the cloud.