QuBit Conference Belgrade 2020


2 - 3 Дек. 2020, сряда - четвъртък


09:00 - 18:00


Входен билет



За контакти:

Anastazia Hrckova, E-Mail


QuBit Conference

За събитието

3rd annual QuBit cybersecurity event in Belgrade offers a special format – practical hands-on ONLINE trainings
SAVE THE DATE – December 2-3 | ONLINE

2 online hands-on workshop:
Penetration testing with social engineering

Henrich Slezak | Security Auditor and IT Security Consultant | LIFARS

Milan Kyselica | Penetration tester | LIFARS
This training and workshop focus on the planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of security testing using social engineering to identify and address security vulnerabilities.

Threat Investigation – A drama in four acts

Lector: Shyam Sundar Ramaswami | Lead Security Threat Researcher | Cisco Umbrella
In this workshop participants will perform threat hunting, fit hunted threats into MITRE framework, dissect a real malicious pcap to look for patterns, perform basic malware analysis on real malware and finally would be doing memory forensics on an advance malware that evades the traditional analysis methods.

QuBit Conference Belgrade