PwC’s Academy – Shaolin Small Talks


5 февр. - 8 апр. 2021, петък - четвъртък


09:00 - 10:30


Такса участие




Sessions Description

За контакти:

Марио Михайлов, +359 894 333 058, E-Mail


PwCs Academy Bulgaria

За събитието

1.How to create harmony
5.2.2021 | 9:00 – 10:30

Only when things are in harmony, they can create one unit, that works together smoothly for one common purpose. This goes for employees in companies as well as for the different characteristics of our mind.

2. The 4 ways of letting go
5.3.2021 | 9:00 – 10:30

Learn why the ability of letting go is important for a happy life and discover the 4 ways of letting go, that are a fundamental practice to become more free in life.

3. Liberating from expectations
8.4.2021 | 9:00 – 10:30

Our expectations often lead us to become unhappy or to get bogged down in an idea without the ability to see that there are other ways. It is difficult to let go of our expectations, so this lecture is intended to help you not to cling to things and ideas that are not good for you.