Програма „Business Coaching Diploma Intensive“
17 сеп. - 11 Дек. 2020, четвъртък - петъкЧас:
Такса участиеМясто:
https://www.pwc.bg/en/academy/assets/2020/PwCBulgaria_Academy_BCDI_International_Online_July2020.pdfЗа контакти:
Марио Михайлов, +359 894 333 058, E-MailЗа събитието
We invite you to join an international group of professionals!
The programme aims to provide essential knowledge and coaching skills, engaging you in the practice of a qualified, professional coach. It also supports leading teams and businesses,
through a strong coaching leadership style.
Who can be interested?
The course is highly relevant for managers, senior leaders, HR professionals, business skills trainers, consultants and everyone who is interested in coaching and personal growth.
The programme is certified by ICF (International Coaching Federation).
Why is it worth it?
- Highly applicable methods that leaders can apply to maximize their own and their people’s potential
- Group and individual mentoring as part of the course (required during the accreditation process at ICF)
- Practical examples of using coaching in life and the business environment
- The richness of the programme is given by the selection of the most practical coaching techniques and methods from different coaching schools.
For more information click here.