8 февруари 2017, срядаЧас:
19:00 - 21:01Достъп:
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betahaus, СофияВръзки:
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KLEARЗа събитието
We are very happy to announce our second event dedicated to the financial side of shared economy.
Join us and uncover Peer-to-Peer Lending.
Whether you are just curious about this innovative model or already have first-hand experience: This event is for You!
*No need for any initial financial knowledge.*
We will cover the following topics:
I. P2P lending overview
How it works
P2P lending evolution
Long term profitability
II. Presentation of KLEAR Platform
III. Investing in P2P lending
Basics of credit risk management
Mechanics of investing in P2P lending
Live demo of KLEAR solution
Speakers will be both founders:
Loic Le Pichoux (https://bg.linkedin.com/in/loiclepichoux)
Lukasz Lukaszewski (https://bg.linkedin.com/in/lukaszlukaszewski)
We will kick off with a presentation @19:00 pm, followed by a Q&A session and finish off with an informal networking session.
*Registration is free, but make sure to book your seat due to space constraints.*