Дискусия „Part-Time Research Opportunities in Quantitative Finance“


5 февруари 2019


Дискусия „Part-Time Research Opportunities in Quantitative Finance“


5 февруари 2019, вторник


18:30 - 21:30


Безплатно (Задължителна регистрация)


Questers, София, 17 Henrik Ibsen Street, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria

За контакти:




За събитието

At the end of 2018, Two Sigma, a leading NY-based firm at the intersection of finance and technology, visited Bulgaria to announce a new opportunity to collaborate on research problems. Given the strength of our scientific community, Two Sigma is excited to offer paid, part-time, remote research engagements to talented scientists and students in Bulgaria through its online collaboration platform, AlphaStudio (https://alphastudio.com/).

As a follow up of the presentation done by David O’Mara (Managing Director at 2Sigma) in December, we are doing a meet-up open for anyone interested in data science, statistics, and technology to trading, finance, and real-life economic prediction problems.

You are invited to join us for wine or beer, some snack and a quick presentation of AlphaStudio from the guys in New York. You can also find out more about Two Sigma’s paid, part-time research opportunities, and ask the researchers at 2Sigma any finance, quant and trading questions you may have.

QClub will be open for a general discussion and informal chat. Special thanks to Questers for providing a venue and to Data Science Society for supporting the meet-up.

Please sign up here http://bit.ly/2W3lrSU to make sure we reserve a seat and drinks for you.