27 март 2017, понеделникЧас:
18:00 - 20:30Достъп:
Такса участиеМясто:
Бизнес Инкубатор - Бургас, Бургас, ул. Княз Александър Батенберг 28За контакти:
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Before you start investing in tech startups, educate yourself. Learn everything there is to know from the mistakes (fuckups) and successes of actual investors by going through actual real deals.
– Alexander Kleydints, author of Hunting for Unicorns and founder of the Kown Investor Club, Seedcamp and Startup Chile alum. Investor in 20+ startups, with exits/fails. Amongst first investors in Gameleap (fastest growing Bulgarian startup by revenue), Farmhopping, Beesmart and 2 stealth Bulgarian startups.
– Georgi Manolov, co-founder Kown Investor Club and Chairman of the Sofia 2.0 Foundation.
Investors of the Kown Investor Club will be present (names to be confirmed).
Max. 35 attendants
More info – https://sofia2.tech/summit
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