Майсторски клас „Business Model Generation: How to Develop New Products, Create Market Value and Make the Competition Irrelevant“

6 декември 2016, вторникЧас:
08:30 - 18:15Достъп:
Такса участиеМясто:
Център за Образование и Култура "Илиев", СофияВръзки:
Официална страница на събитиетоЗа контакти:
+359 2 | 960 7924|, E-MailОрганизатори:
Американски университет в БългарияЗа събитието
This master class is designed for executives who are engaged in making decisions about business strategy and strategic positioning of their companies on the market. It will introduce cutting edge content on strategic market positioning and outperforming competition. Executives will exercise thinking and responding to situations in which dynamic market realities require analysis of current strategic positions and smart decisions to increase profits and value.
The content of the master class is relevant for people with advanced knowledge in business and marketing. Focus will be placed on real-world practical situations that require strategic thinking and decision making in the context of dynamic market realities. The learning experience will strengthen participants’ abilities to understand and make decisions in the context of disruptions and constantly changing competitive dynamics.
Публикувано на 28 ноември