Лекция „Machine Learning in the Travel, Transport & Hospitality Industry“


16 май 2019


Лекция „Machine Learning in the Travel, Transport & Hospitality Industry“


16 май 2019, четвъртък




Безплатно (Задължителна регистрация)


DataArt Bulgaria, ет. 11, Близо до метростанция Опълченска. , София, бул. Тодор Александров 28

За контакти:

Елисавета Владова, 0887344445, E-Mail


DataArt Bulgaria

За събитието

The event is organized by DataArt Bulgaria. The entrance is free but preliminary registration is needed https://www.eventbrite.com/e/machine-learning-in-the-travel-transport-and-hospitality-industry-tickets-61567188117

Current evolution of computing power, its accessibility to wide variety of industries and evolving of connected modern programming approaches resulted in wide-spreading of Machine Learning technologies.

Travel, Transport and Hospitality industry is enjoying solving long standing business problems regarding personalization, predicting client behavior and preferences, predicting prices, optimizing inventory, innovative models for new revenue and others.

In this interactive lecture you will be able to:
• Immerse into the one of world’s largest industries employing roughly every 10th worker and contributing $8.3tn to the Global GDP,
• Get high-level overview of selected possible business scenarios where Machine Learning may unleash innovations, bringing better client service, new revenues, and optimizing cost of ownership,
• Discuss with an Industry Practitioner few real-world examples of Machine Learning usage

During the lecture you will have an opportunity to ask questions and discover how your skills may contribute to solution of technology challenges in Global Travel, Transport and Hospitality industry.

Max Zhdanov, Vice President Travel, Transport and Hospitality business vertical at DataArt

Max is an industry veteran with more than 10 years in Travel & Hospitality, 15 years of experience in various managerial roles, and almost two decades in IT.

Max is Ukrainian, born in Kiev. His alma mater is Kiev Polytechnic Institute where he got MS degree in “Applied Math / Information Technologies”. His career started as a system administrator and later web application developer, then he occupied various technology and leadership roles before joining DataArt in 2018.

Max is a happy father of two kids, passionate traveler for leisure and business who has been to several dozen locations across the globe from the States to Europe, to Asia. In his spare time Max enjoys listening to audio books.


19:00 – Registration
19:15 – Presentation
20:00 – Questions & Answers

DataArt is a global technology consultancy that designs, develops and supports unique software solutions, helping clients take their businesses forward. Recognized for their deep domain expertise and superior technical talent, DataArt teams create new products and modernize complex legacy systems that affect technology transformation in select industries.