GDPR Seminiar in line


18 септември 2018


GDPR Seminiar in line


18 септември 2018, вторник


08:30 - 16:30


Такса участие


Silver House Hotel , София, бул. „Симеоновско шосе“ 6

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За събитието

Everything you want to know about GDPR, PRACTICAL PRESENT within one day
Training is unique to Bulgaria because it provides a complete introduction and a thorough understanding of the benefits of implementation, legal requirements and how to implement the regulation within business and government organizations.
During the training we will go through several basic steps and answer the following questions:

What do you do to start the process of implementing the regulation so you can ensure compliance with its requirements?
How can you, as a personal data administrator and an information security specialist, help companies avoid additional work and loss of reputation as a result of breaches and breakthroughs in databases?
What are the problems you can face in practice with regard to resilience and countering cyber attacks, data protection and cyber security, which are mandatory for legal compliance with the regulation?


During the training, we will examine together topical IT and personal data issues related to the implementation of the European regulation and how you can help companies develop a security and privacy strategy. The training will be based on the EUGDPR Institute GDPR Training Model, which identifies the significant effects of implementing the Regulation and examines the key areas of action, such as development phases and approval frameworks.


Training GDPR FAS / Foundation, Appendix, Content / will provide you with:

A comprehensive review of the new European regulation, with a practical understanding of the implications and legal requirements for organizations of all sizes.
Additional focus on practical application (Basis) and material content of the clauses of the Regulation, including scope, approach, structure, mapping of data flows to ensure sustainable compliance (Appendix and Content).
Obtaining a Qualification Certificate from the EU GDPR Institute on the Requirements of the Regulation – Basis, Application, Content / EU GDPR Foundation, Application & Substance.
Registration in the EUGDPR Institute database.