28 май 2020, четвъртъкЧас:
12:00 - 14:00Достъп:
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Due to the great interest in online #networking events, we are announcing MEC’s Online discussion – Expats in Bulgaria ;)
📆When? – 28.05.2020 from ⏱12 h.
📍 Where? – Online via special link
▶️Registration form: https://forms.gle/gXUP94Az7tjH1EE58
🧐The event is appropriate for: All expats who are interested in or live in Bulgaria
⭐️We will have a special guest⭐️
Daniel Montiglio is the founder of Foreigner BG.
He is a Chilean immigrant that has been living during the last 15 years in Bulgaria.🧑
His university studies are in the field of Public Administration and Political Sciences, a background that helps him to understand the logic of international immigration not only from the immigrant perspective but also from the government’s point of view.🎓
The FOREIGNER BG project started in February 2018 and is where expats in Bulgaria can find an expert, practical advice on how to start a new life in Bulgaria. The main goal is to help you get a stress free and informed transition to your new country.✈️
We want to welcome you to Bulgaria! 🇧🇬
👉 Bring your good mood, desire to create new contacts and learn new things! We will take care for the rest! :)