28 май 2020, четвъртъкЧас:
12:00 - 14:00Достъп:
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Due to the great interest in online #networking events, we are announcing MEC’s Online discussion – Expats in Bulgaria ;)
When? – 28.05.2020 from
12 h.
Where? – Online via special link
Registration form: https://forms.gle/gXUP94Az7tjH1EE58
The event is appropriate for: All expats who are interested in or live in Bulgaria
We will have a special guest
Daniel Montiglio is the founder of Foreigner BG.
He is a Chilean immigrant that has been living during the last 15 years in Bulgaria.
His university studies are in the field of Public Administration and Political Sciences, a background that helps him to understand the logic of international immigration not only from the immigrant perspective but also from the government’s point of view.
The FOREIGNER BG project started in February 2018 and is where expats in Bulgaria can find an expert, practical advice on how to start a new life in Bulgaria. The main goal is to help you get a stress free and informed transition to your new country.
We want to welcome you to Bulgaria!
Bring your good mood, desire to create new contacts and learn new things! We will take care for the rest! :)