Datathon Bulgaria: The first practical data challenge in CEE

24 - 26 мар. 2017, петък - неделяЧас:
17:00 - 20:00Достъп:
Входен билетМясто:
Софтуерен университет (СофтУни), СофияЗа контакти:
Data Science SocietyЗа събитието
What is a datathon?
A datathon is a weekend-long challenge where you are challenged to work on a real-world case from the area of consumer finance, technology, retail, state administration. You and your team have 48 hours to come up with a solution of a pre-defined question based on the provided datasets. The jury will award the most precise, but also creative solutions.
Why should you register now?
- Real-world problems – the output data and questions are extracted by the practice of companies and organizations
- Multi-area expertise – to come up with a solution you need to work in teams with experts of different specialties – coding, data analysis, business intelligence
- Learn in practice – collaborate and exchange knowledge with mentors, experts and Data Science Society volunteers
- Diverse challenges – cases will involve different types of data processing & analyses, such as image recognition, credit scores modeling, pattern recognition and many more