Обучение „Bank Financing and Loan Negotiations at PwC’s Academy Bulgaria“


11 март 2020


Обучение „Bank Financing and Loan Negotiations at PwC’s Academy Bulgaria“


11 март 2020, сряда


09:00 - 17:00


Такса участие


PwC's Academy Bulgaria, ет. 7, София, бул. Княгиня Мария Луиза 9-11

За контакти:

Марио Михайлов, +359 894 333 058, E-Mail

За събитието

An approach to optimizing debt structure.

Who is it for?

Financial and business partners, CEOs, CFOs, treasurers, auditors, consultants, risk managers. People who wish to gain an insight into how the banking markets operate, and into the available opportunities for achieving optimum loan terms, by minimizing risks and capitalizing on opportunities.


• Any firm’s middle or line management in treasury, financial reporting and finance departments with an interest in banking, loan negotiation and drafting
• Staff that perform consulting or audit engagements of leveraged firms
• Bank’s staff with limited experience in contract drafting and financial reporting issues.

What are the benefits of participating?

Participants gain an insight into the structure of the banking industry, improve their loan negotiation skills, understand risks and opportunities in the selection of their funding contracts and the legal aspects of contract drafting and interpretation as treated in English law (the most widely used governing law in international financing transactions), and visualize the financial reporting treatment of relevant contracts.

Click here for more information and prices.