An Agile Journey: Using Mobile Technology & Cloud Architecture

21 юни 2017, срядаЧас:
18:30 - 21:30Достъп:
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Questers, София, ул. "Хенрик Ибсен" 17Връзки:
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Excited to announce our next Tech MeetUp with our partners from Ocado Technology
At Ocado they take Agile seriously. Their product development process is a continuous cycle of discovery sessions with their users, coding, deploying and getting feedback.
Over the last year they have implemented an in-store picking solution, from scratch to production and during the talk Zhorzh Raychev and Aurelio Sanchiz will be exploring some of the challenges they had and how they solved them. They will also go through some of the technologies Ocado has used. Mobile architectures and challenges. Ocado Technology sends data from devices to BigQuery to analyse picking performance.
They use a CQRS model to store active data to guarantee scalable atomic changes across the data, propagating changes using events to ensure eventual consistency of all entities. Event sourcing to power a stream based web UI, reflecting latest changes in the front-end whilst limiting backend overhead. Monitoring is powered by kinesis events, allowing them to send detailed metadata about things they care about, graphed in Flux.