20 януари 2017, петъкЧас:
Безплатно (Задължителна регистрация)Място:
Софтуерен университет (СофтУни), Зала Knowledge, СофияВръзки:
Официална страницаЗа контакти:
Software UniversityЗа събитието
During the seminar Klaas Wassenaar will show specific technical details about ERP and how it affects the process of development. The talk will take a get-to-know form and will discuss the possibilities that ERP presents to developers. Furthermore, the new ways in which outside parties can supply different extensions to the platform will be given attention too.
The talk will then take you through the challenges that one must face with software design in the field, separately from Dynamics. You will hear about the different ways in which you can position yourself in the process, what to expect as far as challenges are concerned and how to communicate efficiently.