The “ESG & non-financial reporting” programme organised by PwC’s Academy


29 май - 19 юни 2024


The “ESG & non-financial reporting” programme organised by PwC’s Academy


29 май - 19 юни 2024, сряда - сряда




Такса участие



За контакти:

Gabriela Pavlova, +359 895 558 320 , E-Mail


За събитието

The programme “ESG & non-financial reporting” includes 4 interrelated modules that provide a comprehensive overview of sustainable development, non-financial reporting and the latest changes and trends in the ESG. The highly interactive modules allow you to get familiar with ESG regulations and lay out clear instructions on how to prepare ESG reports.

The programme covers the following topics:

29 May 2024 – Module 1: ESG at a glance

5 June 2024 – Module 2: ESG reporting

11 June 2024 – Module 3: Preparing an ESG report – with an emphasis on the content

19 June 2024 – Module 4: Preparing an ESG report – with an emphasis on the process

The programme is suitable for anyone who participates in ESG activities and sustainability reporting in any role, as well as for anyone who needs to have an overview of ESG when working in the field of legal & compliance, HR, investor relations, procurement, environmental management, marketing or in any other area.

Find more information about the training here.

Register for the programme now