16 април 2024, вторникЧас:
18:30 - 20:30Достъп:
Безплатно (Задължителна регистрация)Място:
QClub, 5TH FLOOR, София, 17 HENRIK IBSEN STR.Връзки:
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We are pleased to invite you to an in-depth tech talk about the use of CompletableFuture in Java. In this talk, our speaker Ivan Mihov, Senior Java Engineer from the News UK team at Questers will provide an insightful overview of the CompletableFuture class, demonstrating its capabilities, best practices and addressing the common pitfalls.
The presentation will start with an introduction of concurrency and its role in modern application development. Then, we will review the evolution of Java’s concurrency API, leading to CompletableFuture. In addition, we will demonstrate various techniques for using CompletableFuture and discuss their practical applications.
Whether you are an experienced developer or a true tech geek, this event will give you valuable tips and practical experience.
Registration is free, but required.