28 сеп. 2023 - 20 ян. 2024, четвъртък - съботаЧас:
Такса участиеМясто:
Novotel Sofia, СофияЗа контакти:
Gabriela Pavlova, 0895558320, E-MailЗа събитието
On 28th September PwC’s Academy Mini MBA will start for the 19th consecutive time. The programme consists of 9 connected modules and takes about 4 months to complete. It is aimed at all levels in all lines of business, owners of small and medium-sized enterprises, and those who are considering starting their own business.
The main benefits for the participants in the programme are:
· Development of the most important business skills
· Clear understanding of organisations, their structure, and management methodology through specific mapping technique and sequence of modules
· Opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge that can be used in everyday business activities
· Analysis of concepts such as strategy, competition, finance, marketing, and leadership as well as technical areas such as accounting, project management, and others
· Learning a methodology for analysing their own organisation as well as others
· Learning from experienced local and international trainers in various fields
If you want to find more information, you can visit our website or contact us at: bg_pwcacademy@pwc.com
If you want to apply for the Mini MBA programme, fill in the registration form.
Early bird registration is open until 31 August 2023.