Конференция „Общоевропейски продукт за лично пенсионно осигуряване (ОЕПЛПО) – регламент, ефекти и проблеми“


30 май 2018


Конференция „Общоевропейски продукт за лично пенсионно осигуряване (ОЕПЛПО) – регламент, ефекти и проблеми“


30 май 2018, сряда


13:30 - 18:00


Само с покана

За контакти:


За събитието

The conference is initiated and organized by VUZF University – Sofia. The forum is designed to discuss aspects of the forthcoming implementation of unified product for personal capital pension insurance (Pan-European Personal Pension Product, PEPP) in the European Union (EU), which will be done with EU Regulation.

The initiative under the line of establishment of Capital Market Union, CMU. One of the aims of the European Commission (ЕC) is with the implementation of PEPP is additional accumulation of fixed assets for investment in the economies of the EU Member States, like the sought for effects are creation of work places and income growth of the Community population. According to the European Commission, PEPP has the potential to accumulate additionally EUR 700 billion by 2030.

The conference is in connection with the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU during the first six month period of 2018. The introduction of this unified regime in EU raises many questions for resolution as at the EU level, as well as at the level of every Member State. In addition, this regime raises another question whether there will be any changes at the long-term savings market. The issue is especially topical because in the end of June 2017, EC officially announced its intent for introduction of such regime. During the recent three years EC initiated a discussion and public deliberation. During the following months the next steps will be undertaken on implementation of the legislative framework in this area – first at EU level, second on the level of each Member State. The activity will be with the very serious participation of EU institutions and organizations. The initiative places Bulgaria in the center of the discussion and the analysis on the occasion of the introduction PEPP among the Member States of Central and Eastern Europe.