Конференция „Strategies for E-Commerce Success“


14 април 2016


Конференция „Strategies for E-Commerce Success“


14 април 2016, четвъртък




Такса участие


Sofia Event Center, София, София, бул. Черни връх №100, Парадайс Мол

За контакти:




За събитието

The First Annual Strategies for E-commerce Success Conference has the ambition to become the leading regional event that focuses on the most important trends and the development of e-commerce and digital retail innovations. The Bulgarian and regional digital and tech ecosystem has grown significantly over the past years. As a result, an increasing number of entrepreneurs and startup founders have emerged to start their own e-commerce business. On the other hand, more and more established retailers are turning online looking for new customers and new ways to innovate and grow.
The region of Southeast Europe is an emerging market, which has already been attracting a wave of investors and visionaries, and we want to build an event which could focus on innovation and digital strategies to help the retail sector thrive.

What to expect
The next revolution in the retail industry is already happening. Instant satisfaction, connected shoppers switch devices, maintain presence on multiple channels, new generation e-custommers became the ones who dictate the pace. The 1-st Annual Strategies for E-commerce Success Conference will provide a whole complex of new insight of the Digital Retail and Ecommerce market and will give you valuable information on how to grasp the future and be one step ahead of your competitors.

Публикувано на 14 март