Семинар „How-to-implement-Email-functionalities-with-MailJet-API„
![Семинар „How-to-implement-Email-functionalities-with-MailJet-API„](http://eventspro.bg/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/15304656_1223814004323398_848727611597938289_o-690x361.png)
13 декември 2016, вторникЧас:
19:00 - 21:00Достъп:
Безплатно (Задължителна регистрация)Място:
Софтуерен университет (СофтУни), СофияЗа контакти:
Software UniversityЗа събитието
Workshop Mailjet API / MJML – Send great Emails the easy way!
This workshop will be useful for anyone who wants to understand how to implement Email functionalities and how to leverage APIs to get there faster.
We will be running through some of the functionalities offered by Mailjet API to send transactional and marketing messages.
This workshop will also go over MJML , the only framework that makes responsive-email easy, an open source project supported by Mailjet.
The workshop will be presented around Node.js and PHP languages.
Mailjet is an all-in-one email service provider that allows businesses to create, send and analyze marketing and transactional email.